Springbank Dancers Participant Waiver & Release

If you have been requested to sign a copy of our Participant Waiver and release, please do so here. Otherwise, if you are participating in any of our programs or events, please be sure you have read and understand the following prior to your participation…

Risks and Injury

  • As with all physical activity, there is a risk to injury in each class and event offered at/by the studio.
  • Your involvement in our programs indicates the participant's (and his/her parents’) acknowledgement of this risk and assume all hazards involved, hereby not holding Springbank Dancers Inc. or any employee, volunteer, or sub-contractor responsible or liable for injuries.
  • It is Springbank Dancers Inc.’s commitment to ensure that the participants are properly warmed up and assessed before trying various skills and elements. The instructor will use their professional judgment to determine what is age and level appropriate within the classroom.

Our Core Values

  • At Springbank Dancers Inc., we are committed to being about "so much more than dance." This not only extends to the various classes, events, and programs we like to offer at the studio, but also to the lessons we try to provide our students, the impact we are making on our youth and community, and the ways in which our team operates and focuses. By registering into one of our programs, you (and your family) are agreeing to commit to the same values that we hold with such importance. May this extend through your interactions with other participants, parents, clients, and staff and not only within the classroom and entire studio, but beyond.
    • Our Core Values:
      • GROWTH
      • KINDNESS
      • EQUALITY
      • & FUN!!!! ...always
  • We are so proud to have a community who supports these values and supports one another. We feel that by maintaining these values through the various levels and branches of our organization and all that we do, we can be unified as a team! You are agreeing by clicking the box below.

Photo & Media Release

  • Photos and videos taken around the studio, during class time, etc. may be used for promotional purposes and posted on the studio website or through our other social media outlets.